Write a message to an adult about the world we live in

Write a message to an adult about the world we live in

Saturday - 13/05/2023 09:58
Let us build a world through peace, through friendship, never imposing it with weapons, with the logic of the mighty, then we will receive honor, respect, and gratitude! That is the message I want to convey to you.
Russia, 1st January 2023

Dear Honorable President,

How many springs have passed, yet humanity is still longing for a lasting peace for planet Earth. Peace in the shared joy of living for all species and creatures on this green planet. Does Your Excellency, the President, desire the same? But for me, I am always dedicated to that cause!

From the day I was born until now, twelve seasons of falling leaves have passed, and the sound of bombs dropping, bullets echoing never ceased. Everyone has only one life, living once and returning to dust. So why must it end in extreme agony? Children lose their fathers, mothers lose their children, families are torn apart... homes, crops, and life itself are gravely threatened by the hands of adults.

Ukraine, Syria, Palestine, Iraq... are places where fierce warfare is unfolding. Death reigns there, calling the names of the unfortunate every day. Is this the world we live in? Is this our green planet? The struggle, the plunder, the killings are overshadowing reason, numbing the hearts of those in power. I know that Your Excellency lives in a place where bullets cannot reach: Every night with peaceful sleep, every calm morning, and good food and beautiful clothes. Meanwhile, I have to hide, to run until I can barely breathe, with a small dream that one day the sound of guns will cease, but it remains an unattainable hope. I know that you have signed human rights laws, but why is the most fundamental right of all, the right to live, still not upheld in this country?

An individual, a nation, or a country, all have sovereignty and territorial integrity. But it only holds true for the strong, while the weak are left to yearn for it. Can you imagine, if you were in my position, what would you feel? What would you think? Where is peace, compassion, and responsibility? I implore Your Excellency to judge impartially. Please restore peace to me, which adults have snatched away with violence. Restore to me a peaceful life, as recognized by human rights.

Respected President,

Where there is oppression, there will be struggle; it is the eternal truth. The spirit of a nation is noble and sacred. Someone once said, "If you shoot the past with a rifle, the future will shoot you with a cannon." That is the law of cause and effect. Let us build a world through peace, through friendship, never imposing it with weapons, with the logic of the mighty, then we will receive honor, respect, and gratitude! That is the message I want to convey to you. I hope that you will calm hot-headed minds and warm cold hearts. Let us live together in peace on this green planet.

I sincerely thank you, Your Excellency!
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