Instructions for tweaking and optimizing Windows 10, Windows 11 to make your computer work faster

Instructions for tweaking and optimizing Windows 10, Windows 11 to make your computer work faster

Saturday - 12/11/2022 08:56
Windows 10, Windows 11 is a pretty heavy operating system for computers that use HDDs. To make your computer work faster, refer to some of the optimal ways below:
1. Turn off windows updates
- To make the computer work fast, it is best to turn off automatic updates of windows. When you need to update, turn it on, after updating, turn it off.
- Refer to this article to turn off automatic updates of windows.

2. Performance Customization
- The default effects of windows 10 cause significant slow down the computer, please choose the effects as shown below only.

3. Turn off system restore
- By default, Windows 10 will take up 10% of the hard drive to use to create a system restore copy. This will take up a lot of hard drive space and slow down the computer.
- Please turn off this option as shown below.
system resotore

4. Turn off automatic hardware updates
- Windows 10 by default encourages you to automatically update to the latest versions of hardware drivers. However, if you have installed the hardware driver and your system is working properly, disable this option.
- Turn off as shown below:

5. Turn off sleep mode
- By default Windows sleep mode will be turned on when you do not use the computer for a preset time. However, this takes up hard disk space.
- Turn it off with this command:
powercfg – h off
6. Turn off reserve mode
- By default, Windows 10 will reserve about 7GB of hard drive space for Windows Update.
Turn it off with this command:
DISM /Online /Set-ReservedStorageState /State:Disabled
7. Disable applications that run automatically when you turn on your computer
- Please disable the applications that run automatically when starting the computer as shown below, keep only Windows Security to protect the computer from viruses.

8. Turn off UAC
- By default, windows will notify when an application is opened. Turn off this notification as shown below.

9. Clean up computer junk
Trash command:
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
- Empty Recycle Bin and delete temporary files in Temp folder, %temp%

10. Add an SSD
- SSD (M2, NVMe) hard drive is much faster than HDD, so to make your computer work faster, add an SSD (M2, NVMe) to install windows and speed up the machine. significantly increased.

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