Using a phone, computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children

Using a phone, computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children

Thursday - 17/11/2022 08:39
Many people, especially children prefer using phone, computer and spend most of their time on computer. While I accept that this will have positive effects on the users, I believe that they are more likely to have more harmful impacts.
There are a variety of downsides once abusing phone, computer frequently. Firstly, it would impact on young people health, especially near sighted disease. The reason mainly causes this issue is that screen refraction affects directly to children’s eyes. For example, majority of software engineers who usually glue their eyes to the computer screen could wear the near glasses as a negative consequence.
Children addicted to playing games

Secondly, those who are seriously addicted with technology devices would lead to be a sedentary person because they only pay their attention to play game or watch movie. In addition, as a young age, children are not able to classify positive or adverse content when surfing the Internet by electronic machine.

Last but not least, there is a harmful effect on social ability which means less interaction with the real life. Some influenced people, for instance, maybe tend to make virtual friend in the cyber network instead of the practice one.

On the one hand, it is  a wonderful tool used for recreational purposes. There are multimillion interesting and useful websites and videos, which people can watch and entertain after exhausting hard-working hours. In this case, it is also a good way for them to access to the updated information.

Secondly, computer is beneficial in all areas of education because it helps students to perform better at school and complete researches. For example, when students have homework and some projects to work on, they can make a good use of various online resources to finish their tasks on time.

Finally, phone, computer is considered useful means an of communication, many social networking sites such as facebook or twitter allow people to make friend with people all around the world and express their feelings.
Internet Addiction

However, I would argue that these drawbacks are outweighed the benefits. People often have tendency of easily addicted to the phone, computers.  As a result, this may lead to their distraction from working and studying. For example, playing games on the phone, computers can be highly addictive because gamers are given scores, new challenges and targets, which keeps them playing without bothering their work and studies.

In addition, if a person spends excessive amount of time in phone, computer, it will develop selentary lifestyle, which is the results of many diseases. A recent study have shown that about 80% of  teenagers sticking their eyes on phone, computer screen are more likely to face higher risk of obesity than normal person.

In conclusion, although the phone, computer play an vital part in our life, it still has some negative impacts in some cases. It is advisable that people should restrict their time of using the phone, computer to avoid bad consequences.

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