Download Microsoft Office 2016 for free

Download Microsoft Office 2016 for free

Thursday - 18/01/2024 00:18
If you have become familiar with Word 2010 the transition to Word 2016 should be seamless. There are only a few minor changes that have been introduced in Word 2016. The following are some of the new features to Microsoft Word 2016.
Tell Me
The “Tell Me” feature is a brand new for Microsoft Office 2016 and is located at the end of the ribbon tabs. Sometimes it can be tricky to remember where commands reside the ribbon, especially if you don’t use them often. The “Tell Me” feature acts as a search bar where you can type in what you are looking for and Word will give you a list of commands to choose from. “Tell Me” saves you from searching through the many ribbon tabs and directs you to the exact command you’re searching for.

The new Share button makes it easier than ever to collaborate with others. This button can be found in the upper-right corner, beneath the close button. Once you have saved your document to OneDrive or SharePoint, all you need to do is click the Share button and type in the names of individuals you wish to collaborate with. You can also decide what level of permissions you would like them to have by selecting an option from the drop-down box. Finally, you can include a message with your invite so the recipient knows exactly what you need from them.
Easy to Find Comments Next to the Share button is a Comment button for easy access to comments from collaborators. Keep in mind, you can still find the new comment button under the Review tab where it has always been. Simply click the Comment button next to the Share button and you will see options to insert a New Comment or jump around to the previous or next comment within the document.

Smart Lookup
Smart Lookup is available in all Office 2016 programs, including Word 2016. Think of this new feature as a digital research assistant. It can pull information from the web to enhance your work or assist with unfamiliar content. Simply highlight a word or phrase that you wish to research, then right-click and select Smart Lookup. A pane will appear on the left of the screen with links of information to choose from with more information on the selected text.
Step 1: Highlight word/phrase
Step 2: Right-click the selected text
Step 3: Choose Smart Lookup from the dropdown menu

And there are many more unique features waiting for you to discover.

System Requirements
- OS: Windows 8/8.1/10, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 10 Server, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008/2012 R2.
- CPU: 1 Ghz or faster x86- or x64-bit processor with SSE2 instruction set.
- RAM: 2GB.
- Storage: 3GB.
- Software: .NET Framework 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, or 4.6 CLR.

>> DOWNLOAD: Microsoft Office 2016 Professional

* After installation is complete, the software is only available for 30 days of free use. When the free term expires, please purchase a license key to continue using it.

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